
The Gemmed Elves of Garnet Preview

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The Garnthe are the lineage that has entered more into Eimeraik, and occupy the Western Mountains of Rethaseng, which ends in The Sea beyond the Sea, the ocean between Eimeriak and Far Savagelands. This rugged terrain is not without dangers, as many other tribes struggling to survive, some of them hostile to all others. The Garnthe have developed a self-sufficient and combative character that keeps them alert. They are a nomadic tribe, and when traveling by land that could be attacked, they pray to their totem the Lynx to give them the courage to repel the attackers.
los Garnthe son la estirpe que mas se ha adentrado en Eimeraik, y ocupan las Montañas Occidentales de Rethaseng, que desembocan en el Mar mas alla del Mar, el oceano entre Eimeriak y las tierras salvajes lejanas. Este terreno escarpado no esta exento de peligros, ya que multitud de otras tribus luchan por sobrevivir, algunas de ellas hostiles a todas las demas. Los Garnthe han desarrollado un caracter autosuficiente y combativo que les mantiene siempre alerta. Son una tribu nomada, y cuando se desplazan por tierras en las que podian ser asaltados, rezan a su totem el Lince para que les de el coraje para repeler a sus agresores.
Deviation: 0025

Deviation Nº0025 << PREVIOUS || NEXT >>

this is a preview of the story about Gem Nahuierah Garnthe. For the rest of the story you will have to wait a bit longer.
Esto es un adelanto de la historia sobre los Gem Nahuierah Garnthe. Para el resto de la historia tendréis que esperar mas tiempo.

f you want me to translate it to your language, put your suggest in a comment.

The story is for: El bestiario del Hypogripho Dorado

My thanks to :iconvaraann: VaraAnn for her drawing: Garnet

This deviation is part of an article for El Bestiario del Hypogripho Dorado :iconhypogripho-dorado:
Related articles: Gem Nahuierahs, Rubh, Hipocampos Coralinos.
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