
The Gemmed Elves of Brilliant Preview

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Literature Text

The Brillhe, that viewing themselves as the proud inheritors of the empire of Eimeraik gemmed. in fact, still bent on keeping the old structure of kingdoms and provinces, but they just have delegates for one of these. They continue cultivating the music and the arts, though not with much splendor as their ancestors. The holidays, festivals and fairs are very common in their territories.

Los Brillhe, se muestran a si mismos como los orgullosos herederos del imperio de Eimeraik Gemado, de hecho siguen empecinados en mantener la antigua estructura de reinos y provincias, aunque ellos apenas tengan delegados para una sola de estas. Siguen cultivando la musica y las artes, aunque no con tanto esplendor como sus ancestros. Las fiestas, festivales y ferias son muy comunes en sus territorios.
Deviation: 0023

Deviation Nº0023 << PREVIOUS || NEXT >>

this is a preview of the story about Gem Nahuierah Brillhe. For the rest of the story you will have to wait a bit longer.
Esto es un adelanto de la historia sobre los Gem Nahuierah Brillhe. Para el resto de la historia tendréis que esperar mas tiempo.

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The story is for: El bestiario del Hypogripho Dorado

My thanks to :iconvaraann: VaraAnn for her sketch: Brilliant

This deviation is part of an article for El Bestiario del Hypogripho Dorado :iconhypogripho-dorado:
Related articles: Gem Nahuierahs, Rubh, Hipocampos Coralinos.
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